Darke County Parks relies upon volunteer involvement

in all aspects of our operations, from programs to maintenance.  Descriptions of volunteer opportunities are listed on this page.  After basic training, and the required paperwork, volunteers can set up a customized work schedule.  Completed volunteer applications should be mailed to the Nature Center.  For more info, contact our Volunteer Coordinator or fill out an application on the left.  

Arcanum HS Garlic Mustard Removal

Volunteer in the Spotlight- Fall 2024

This quarter’s volunteer in the spotlight is Janelle Cross! Having only volunteered for a couple of years, Janelle has enjoyed sharing the parks with visitors from far and wide. As a Greenville local, her favorite hobbies include flower and veggie gardening, camping, and spending time with family, including babysitting her granddaughter and another special girl. Janelle would encourage others to volunteer because there are so many opportunities for so many talents, “from office work to pulling weeds to stirring maple syrup and everything in between.” In the past, Janelle has helped with an assortment of jobs, including craft supervision at events and greeting visitors at the Nature Center and Bish Discovery Centers. She hopes to see more locals using these facilities saying, “they seem to be hidden gems for those who visit."

Thank you Janelle!


Download the Volunteer Application HERE

When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out
— Ralph Waldo Emerson