Migrating water birds, the songs of wetland creatures, and blooming prairie wildflowers are all part of what makes the Winterrowd visit an experience to be treasured. This diverse 60-acre preserve is a model of wetland conservation and provides a glimpse of this part of the Ohio country as it was before settlement. Ohio’s remaining wetlands provide valuable wildlife habitat and critical environmental benefit, from reducing flooding to ground water purification.
Access is restricted to the parking area and foot trail to the observation blind. Please help us protect this valuable preserve.
Located in the headwaters of the Stillwater River, Winterrowd consists of a 35-acre “pothole” wetland, 5 acres of upland woods and 20 acres of prairie. A 1/4-mile trail winds through the prairie from the parking area to an observation blind looking over the wetland.
During mid to late summer when the prairie grasses, including Big Bluestem, Indian Grass and Little Blue Stem are at full height, and the asters, coneflowers and sunflowers bloom, Winterrowd sparkles as a reminder of Ohio prairies past.
The pothole wetland and adjacent prairie provide a premier birding location. Spring and fall migrations of teal, rail, snipe, yellowlegs, herons and other shore birds are often seen from the upland trail and the observation blind. The prairie provides habitat for grassland nesting birds of many species. Meadowlarks, bluebirds and swallows are common. Bobolinks, native sparrows and Marsh Wrens have also been seen. Hawks soar above; woodpeckers, orioles, towhees and other forest birds add to the delight that is Winterrowd.
Easily accessible from Ohio Route 47, Winterrowd should be visited often to appreciate the marvel of wetlands and habitat diversity in every season.
Location:OH-47, just east of OH-49
Park Hours: Sunrise to sunset