Darke County Parks’ Outdoor Adventure and In-classroom Programs are designed to offer teachers a way to enhance Ohio’s curriculum standards and incorporate inquiry-based learning activities. Through hands-on exploration, students are encouraged to make discoveries about the natural world and evaluate their findings.
Trips to the Nature Center: Click here to schedule
Adapted to Survive - Grade K
Resources; Naturally - Grade 1
Water Cycle - Grade 2
Life Cycles - Grade 3
Nature’s Sweet Treat - Grades K - 6 (Late Feb - Early March ONLY)
Naturalists in the Classroom: Click here to schedule
Getting Ready for Winter - Grade 1
Ohio Wildlife Timeline - Grade 4
Owls of Ohio - Grade 5
Trips to the Historic Bear’s Mill : Click here to schedule
Guided Tours of the Historic Bear’s Mill - Grade 2+
Field Trip Funding Options:
The Friends of the Darke Co Parks offers limited funding. Click HERE for the application form.