National SPOOM Conference

Sophie Nieport, Bear’s Mill Manager        

During the last week of September, I had the privilege of attending the annual National SPOOM Conference in West Plains, Missouri. What is SPOOM? It stands for the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills. It is an international organization dedicated to promoting interest in old mills and other Americana now quickly passing from the present scene. SPOOM was formed as a non-profit in 1972. Since then, it has grown to 670 members spanning over 7 different countries. There are even a few that have been members since the inception in 1972! It is quite the eclectic group who are mill owners, mill operators, individuals who just like old mills, museums, libraries, historical societies, preservation groups, restoration architects, county & state park districts, even Colonial Williamsburg is a member of SPOOM!

Once a year, SPOOMers gather together for an annual conference to tour as many mills as possible in just a few short days. This year, we gathered in West Plains Missouri in the heart of the Ozarks. I have never been to this part of the country and it was well worth the trip!  The Ozarks are full of bountiful and beautiful natural springs. Near many of these springs you will find an old mill still standing strong. Many mills were constructed near these water sources in order to harness that hydro-power. The water is not just abundant, but most of the time has a ‘Caribbean Blue’ color to it. We visited Alley Spring Mill on a cloudy/rainy day. The mill is fed by a natural spring that produces 81 million gallons of water a day! Expecting to be disappointed with the weather, I found that the light blue water stole the attention from the Mill, and became the focal point against the surrounding gloom.

Topaz Mill is privately owned by a great couple whose family has owned the mill since 1957. They were just as excited to have SPOOMers at their mill as we were to be there. The owner/miller did not get the chance to learn much about the grinding process before his uncle passed on, so he had many questions for the SPOOM members! As I watched the questions and answers flow between owner and visitor, I soaked in not just a lot of knowledge, but also their feelings of excitement and mutual respect.

SPOOM memberships are open to anyone who shares the interests and purposes of SPOOM. For more information, visit With a membership, you receive a quarterly copy of the Old Mill News magazine, access to an interactive mill location map of the United States, access to online forums and sales, and discounts on Conference fees.   

During our trip around Missouri, I met people passionate about old mills and their preservation. The information learned, connections, and friendships made were immensely valuable to this ‘newbie’ in the old milling world. I feel fortunate to have been a part of the experience, and look forward to attending more SPOOM conferences in the future.


Darke Parks
Forget yourself and go to work

Pam Brown, Miller Apprentice/Bear’s Mill Store Clerk

What a great year it’s been for Darke County Parks. We had a lot of amazing activities: the Soup and Bowl, Eclipse Parties, Bash at Bish, Gathering at the Garst, Bear’s Mill Fall Open House, and more! We welcomed hundreds of visitors from around the country and even some from other countries. Every activity has been a success, thanks to the efforts of employees and volunteers.

Once, a religious leader said, “Forget Yourself and Go to Work”, referring to volunteering and service to others. When we help others, our problems look so small and we get a new perspective of our life.

I come from a family where service and volunteering were something important and still is. It is true that when I was little, it was boring for me, and I didn’t enjoy it that much. I didn’t understand why we were always visiting people or helping others. Once I grew up, though, I truly started to enjoy it.

When I came to Greenville, I was amazed by all of the volunteer opportunities through Darke County Parks. I soon started volunteering for Gathering at the Garst, where I got to meet wonderful people who put their love and knowledge forward to have a successful encampment. Every week, the volunteer committee, who attended every week with a smile, came to the meetings with new ideas and was very excited about keeping the traditions alive.

I’ve seen volunteers helping in every activity that Darke County Parks has with joy and great attitude, giving their time, their effort, and their love for the parks. Some of them have been volunteering for years, and they have become more than volunteers, they are friends, and some of them are like family.

I want to thank every volunteer who has helped us with any activity, without you, the activities wouldn’t be the same, you bring your love and your wonderful energy to make each event something amazing for the community. Without you, it wouldn’t be the same.

Also, I would like to invite you to be part of our volunteer program and help us to make every activity even more special for this year we still have our Bear’s Mill Christmas Open House and our Luminary Walks at Bear’s Mill and Shawnee Prairie Preserve - that it’s one of my favorites! I promise you will not regret it, as Kitty, one of our volunteers, says, “Volunteering is therapy, and I have fun.”


Darke Parks