Deb Fall, Accounting Clerk
What are your pet peeves? Maybe you have a few, maybe you have many. They may even change through the seasons and years, depending on where you are in life.
A fly in my car! That’s the worst. I roll down the window only for it to fly out and back in again. I swat at it continuously while I am driving, looking crazy to oncoming traffic. It will usually land on my feet or face which completely grosses me out.
Some of my co-worker’s pet peeves are loud chewing, people killing spiders, an empty can of Mountain Dew, hypocrisy, drivers not using their turn signals, littering, excessive meetings, mowing around signs, flag poles with tattered flags, tilted signs, moldy bread, wrinkled clothing, overgrown landscaping, and me asking them what their pet peeve is by giving annoying examples.
When I am in my car traveling with a fly, I usually think about my destination and turn on my favorite music while rolling down all the windows and opening the sunroof. I continue to deal with the problem as I self-soothe.
How do you calm yourself when conflicted with an annoying situation?
Something as simple as concentrating on your breathing can help. Breathing is the most natural thing in the world and we do it anyway. Mindful breathing can help calm our bodies and minds almost instantly.
Sometimes I just close my eyes and count to 10 or curl up with my pet. A nap is also a welcome choice.
Physical activity of any kind can release stress. Take a timeout for a brisk walk around your favorite Darke County Park. The fresh air and sounds of nature will help clear your head.
We have several upcoming events to help your mind and body stay calm and at peace. Yoga, hikes and a 5K run are just a few. Visit and sign up for our nature notes. Every 3 months you will receive information on our events and programs for that season.
Enjoy your week and may your pet peeves be few!