Deb Berger, Accounting Clerk
Under the age of 18, I thought snow was gold that dropped from the sky. It was so glorious. Snow would cause school closings, the building of forts & snowmen and of course sledding. At the end of a snow day there would be a pile of damp clothes and boots as tall as my poor mother.
How much snow should Darke County anticipate this year? The only information I have come across is “above normal snow falls” for this year and “below normal” temperatures. We have already had a few bouts of “heart attack snow” and I have a feeling there is more snow to come.
What does the snow do for our soil? In agriculturally heavy areas, it has been called the poor man’s fertilizer. Snowflakes are important to our plants. Snowflakes can contain small amounts of dissolved organic nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium from the atmosphere that help fertilize the next crop. Nitrogen is especially essential for plant growth.
As the snow begins to melt it adds moisture back into the soil. On average, 10 inches of snow will produce 1 inch of water. Snow provides some insulation for crops by holding in heat and preventing moisture from evaporating into the atmosphere. This stops the bitterly cold temperatures from eliminating young plants. This is also true for perennials, bulbs, ground covers and strawberry plants; snow can serve as a mulch for these plants and protect them from the bitter winds and cold that come with our winter season.
Snow isn’t all fun and games. It causes many auto accidents per year. Snow can also cause power outages, crop damages, health risks and make it very challenging for animals to find food and stay warm. How many times has your flight been delayed or cancelled because of snow or ice? Property damage is a well known problem of snow. The weight of the snow can collapse a roof, brake branches and damage trees.
Now that I am pushing retirement age and I am no longer under 18 years old and if I had the chance to live in a different climate, I don’t know if I would. There is nothing better than sitting in front of a fireplace drinking hot chocolate and watching the snowfall from my window. If I could stay inside thru the winter months and hibernate like a bumblebee my life would be A-1.
Most of us need to get outdoors in the winter months for a variety of different reasons. If you need to travel outside your home, please be careful. Bundle up with plenty of layers and take your time. If you need a break from your ordinary winter day, remember the Darke County Parks trails are open dawn-dusk and we offer plenty of indoor and outdoor programs this winter season. Just visit click HERE to see what programs are coming up. Stay warm and take care!