Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland - Rain Plan
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland is annually one of the staff's favorite events. This week the weather looked to be quite favorable. Unfortunately, the Ohio weather had other plans!
Due to the rain and possible storms forecasted, we have gone to a rain-plan.
The Nature Center, Log House and Blacksmith will be OPEN. All activities planned for these locations will be a go, including children's craft, decorating cookies, Santa, etc.
The luminary trail will lead from the Nature Center to the Log House area at a minimum. We hope to place a longer luminary trail if the weather allows.
Parking will occur at the Nature Center instead of the originally planned parking location of 130 Winchester. Gates will not open until 6pm.
We hope to see some of you tomorrow from 6-9pm at the Nature Center!
If you have any questions, please contact the Nature Center by replying to this email or by calling 548-0165.